Tuesday, May 20, 2008

simple database

although sir john isn't around, he leaves us an activity, just a simple database..done it but not so sure if is it correct so i did not upload it yet because i'll wait for sir john to say that my work is correct..so we'll see...see you...


guess what? sir john will attend a meeting today and so he will not able to discuss database..and also tomorrow he will not be around as well..so we really don't have the time i guess..although he told us that we can come here on thursday or friday but i will not be around because i will be going to gensan...that will be my first vacation since march with the family although my sister wont be around...so i have to spend most of it because soon i will be going back to school and it'll take sometime before i can go and have a vacation again...

will i?

will i able to get to upload my grading system activity? well finally today i abled to do it..and finally we have internet connection...but guess what?..got another activity..the payroll system...oh my!!...but can't do it today in the classroom because they will use it for some meeting i suppose...so have to do it in the house.

unlucky me...or lucky?

unlucky me or lucky me? well it just happen that we have no internet connection at school so i end up going home early..hurry!!!but i have loads of stuff to do at home...huhuhu...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


finally i was abled to finished my grading system activity and was a bit happy with it coz at least before the course ended, i learned something not just about simple grading system but simple programming of whatsoever...hehehe..but i guess i am not so lucky today coz when sir john was going to printout my activity it did'nt work it was because the staff did plug the printer in the wrong cpu..hahaha...and worst sir john has turnoff my pc and i wasn't able to save my work...guess what i have to do it over again..huhuhu...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

monday may 12

i was still in manila...and the flight was delayed..i was supposed to arrive by 11a.m but instead we arrived at 3pm...


absent last friday...went to manila

grading system

my activity today is the grading system...well it was supposed to be done yesterday but i was absent because i was still in manila yesterday...we left last friday to manila with my family...coz my sister is leaving to the states for good...i'm not sure when we'll i see her again...i guess not until next year...the activity was never the same as i did in ateneo before coz we used the excel and it was easy for me..but in visual basic it is another story..

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

traffic light

i was absent yesterday so i only did my traffic light activity today...i also started my our exam activity..it only need some editing though..so i might be able to finish it tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

horse animation

today i added some more pictures in my animation since i only have 4 pictures...and sir john told me to add some more play??? i don't get it honestly, i didn't understand the direction huhuhu...and he is no where to be found...anyway i just uploaded my animation so kindly check...the next activity we are going to do is the traffic light..

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


today i was told by sir john to make an animated picture...seems very easy huh? but actually it was quite hard at first then later on i was able to get it....my classmate chris was absent today so i got nobody to ask for assistance... and sir john was busy too...

Monday, April 28, 2008

basketball score board

at last i had finished my scoreboard..see to believe!!!! but it's not as complicated as chris...huhuhu...

Friday, April 25, 2008

hard oi!!!!

today i finally finished my game with matching score... of course i can't do it myself without the help of cris..huhuhu..at least honest ako!!!!i was really confused with it but then later na gets ko na...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


our last activity today is using the operators such as integer division, remainder, exponentation, concatenation, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

brown out

its brown-out yesterday so i did nothing because there was nothing else to do..sir John had finished his discussion and told me to do the three activities but unlucky me or should i say lucky me coz there was no electric by then so i cant do the hands-on so i end up going home early...


i was supposed to do three exercises yesterday but it happen to be brown out so i have to do it today...but the exercises isn't bad anyway...and i've done it, thank God! The activities was all about yesterday's discussion...the variables, data types, constant and if statement...

Monday, April 21, 2008

conditional statement

today sir john discussed about conditional statements but only a highlights of it..he was so busy so we end up making a simple if then,elseif then and else statement exercise...well a bit complicated but fun...he'll continue discussing conditional statement tomorrow.

Friday, April 18, 2008

at last

at last i able to finished our first exam...i hope it'll come out good...coz i spent 10 hours for it..huhuhu...

last exercise

today was our last exercise. day by day the exercises seems quite complicated although it doesn't seem complicted to my classmate chris. he seem clever about computer. well he's doing computer engineering so he must be clever...i know nothing about programming..i know a little about computer stuff...a little of excel,word,and powerpoint because we are taught at school but nothing complicated such as programming because my course is accountancy and not programming. but i am happy i enrolled this summer because i am sure one day i will able to use this in our business. maybe my father wouldn't need to hire a programmer.char...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

oh my...

yesterday we did another activities and i was dismayed because i have not done it... well, almost did hehehe...i abled to finished it at last with the help of my classmate cris. But i guess asking for help is not bad right?but another problem happened when i uploaded the file and it didn't run...so annoying because i did not know what was the problem so sir john told me to do it the next day because i was running out of time..so here i am doing my blog a bit late..

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I never expect that i will end up doing programming this summer which I never thought of doing so, actually I enrolled cooking and baking and as well as scientific therapeutic massage because one of my interest is cooking but anyway I end up in programming for a reason that my parents told me to do so because they said it'll help me in my accountancy course. Although I did not agree nor disagree but I just doubt programming because I am not into it nor have much knowledge about it. But you know what for two days only i have learned to appreciate its importance. Just yesterday I learned little about visual basic and today we had some discussions and then activities, guess what I had completed the activities that sir john had given to me..hurray! What can you say from cooking and baking then to programming? But you know what it's worth it as long as i'll put my heart into it,i know for sure it'll bring me into the top. char...